

1969年 David Bowie所寫的歌 "Space Oddity",一般人相信這是為了當年阿波羅13號第一次登陸月球所寫的。不過這首歌一直到1972年才被收錄到 "Space Oddity"這張專輯,這是一開始最早 (1969年)拍的影片。

Ground control to major tom
Ground control to major tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

Ground control to major tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may gods love be with you

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,
Four, three, two, one, liftoff

This is ground control to major tom
Youve really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now its time to leave the capsule if you dare

This is major tom to ground control
Im stepping through the door
And Im floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet earth is blue
And theres nothing I can do

Though Im past one hundred thousand miles
Im feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much she knows

Ground control to major tom
Your circuits dead, theres something wrong
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you....

Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the moon
Planet earth is blue
And theres nothing I can do.

歌詞的最後,雖然沒有明說 Major Tom為了什麼而奔向宇宙,不過面對一望無際的宇宙也許就會讓人產生拋下一切的感觸吧?

最近常在 Virgin radio聽到 David Bowie的歌,查了一下發現原來是 EMI今年又發了一張 David Bowie的白金 3CD精選輯。
國中的時候不知道什麼叫做 "華麗搖滾"只覺得這個人的化妝技術跟雪兒有得拼 (還有 Kiss跟日本的聖飢魔),沒想到一隔十年現在來聽卻又不由自主地迷上了…

另一個版本的 MV,這個就單純很多。


這是太空三部曲 "Space Oddity" (1972)、"Ziggy Stardust" (1972)、"Life on Mars?" (1971)最早正式發行唱片的一首,"Life on Mars",歌詞也很有意思。


再來一個 bonus……
童年的最愛, 1986年的奇幻電影 "Labyrinth"(魔王迷宮),穿著白色貴族緊身褲的 David Bowie飾演傳說中的妖精之王。

之前也在 "Sounds and Fury"這個 blog看到對於華麗搖滾的介紹。看完覺得 David Bowie真的滿厲害的,對不起我錯怪你十年了,這禮拜會記得買你的 CD的,噗噗噗~

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